for satb choir (a cappella)
About 20 years ago I composed this setting of the words taken from a famous work by Mary of Agreda called ‘City of God’. It is a four volume set of the life of Jesus Christ. In it is the account of the ‘Transfixion’ and in particular a scene where John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, comes back to the Cenacle (the upper room) where Mary and the rest of the disciples took lodging during the Passion.
He returns to report what had happened to Jesus and to try to prepare Our Dear Lady for the assault of his description. Here is a caption of that page.
Upon reading this passage, I was very moved by the words the Virgin gave in response to hearing what John had to report. Those words of Mary comprise the text for this piece.
It is available for preview and purchase on the KOERBER PUBLICATIONS website (, and in particular on this web page.
You may hear a vocal simulation by pressing the play button here.